The Office of Education Abroad now offers scholarships to Catholic University students planning to study abroad. There are also other sources at Catholic University and outside Catholic University for education abroad scholarships. The key is to start looking early! For advice on submitting a scholarship application see Robert Dowden at the Office of Education Abroad or visit a Writing Center consultant.

  • Catholic University Study Abroad Scholarships

    Rome Summer Institute Scholarship
    This scholarship is sponsored by CUAbroad. Eligible students are in good standing with a minimum 2.7 GPA who are applying to the Rome Summer Institute. Awards are from $250 - $1,000.

    CUAbroad Adversity Scholarship
    This scholarship of up to $1,000 is available to Catholic University students who have demonstrated an ability to overcome adversity, whether that be in their personal, academic, or professional lives. Recipients will be required to fulfill a service obligation as a condition of the award.

    Twohig-Sullivan Family Fund for Irish StudiesIrish Summer Institute Travel Grant
    Composed of generous donations from the Twohig-Sullivan Family, the Twohig-Sullivan Fund for Irish Studies exists to increase opportunities for Catholic University students to study abroad in Ireland, especially those students eager to enroll in the University’s annual Irish Summer Institute. Multiple, significant awards are made each year during the spring semester. These awards cover various expenses incurred by those who participate in the Irish Summer Institute.

    Luis Alberto Ambroggio Scholarship for Study Abroad
    Based on the generous donation of Luis Alberto Ambroggio, this scholarship is available to U.S. students who have a demonstrated commitment to or curiosity for the Hispanic community. Up to two $2,500 scholarships may be awarded annually to reduce financial restrictions for participants in high-quality, rigorous education abroad programs. Applicants will be recognized for strong ties either through work, volunteering, or cultural engagement. All Catholic University students, regardless of race or ethnicity, are welcome to apply.

    Merkel Fund Scholarship
    The Dr. Ingrid Merkel Endowed Honors Program Fund is used to provide financial support to the University Honors Program. Distributions for the fund may be used for costs of participation by Honors students in international educational programs, study abroad programs for academic credit, or other educational or enrichment travel conducted in conjunction with the Program. The Honors Program has two or more $500 scholarships available each semester which can be used for study abroad or other academic endeavors involving travel. These scholarships operate on a reimbursement fund basis.

  • National Study Abroad Scholarships

    Boren Scholarship and Fellowships
    Funding from the National Security Education Program (NSEP) supports U.S. undergraduate and graduate students to study less commonly taught languages in world regions critical to U.S. interests. Up to $20,000 for undergraduates and $30,000 for graduate students, depending on cost and length of program. Your on-campus representative for the Boren Scholarship and Fellowship is in the CUA University Honors Program.
    For more information or to begin the application process, please visit the CUA Boren Awards webpage.

    Critical Language Scholarship (CLS)
    CLS institutes provide fully-funded group-based intensive language instruction and structured cultural enrichment experiences for seven to ten weeks for U.S. citizen undergraduate and graduate students. Students may apply for one language, and will be placed at institute sites based on language evaluations after selection. Languages offered: Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bangla/Bengali, Chinese, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Punjabi, Russian, Turkish, and Urdu.

    The Fulbright Program
    The Fulbright U.S. Student Program equips future American leaders with the skills they need to thrive in an increasingly global environment by providing funding for one academic year of study or research abroad, to be conducted after graduation from an accredited university. Included in the Fulbright Program are English Teaching Assistantships in select countries such as Asia, Eastern and Western Europe, and Latin America.

    The Gilman International Scholarship
    This scholarship, offered through the U.S. Department of State and Institute of International Education, is available only to Federal Pell Grant recipients who are planning to study or intern abroad for an academic year, semester, or summer term. Over 2,800 scholarships are awarded each year, with amounts ranging up to $5,000. Additional awards of $3,000 are also available for students studying a critical need language.
  • Beyond CatholicU Study Abroad Scholarships

    Bridging Scholarships
    The Association of Teachers of Japanese (ATJ) is an international non-profit organization that promotes knowledge and appreciation of Japanese language and culture. Eligible students include juniors and seniors at US universities with an interest in policy, economics, or international finance who have been accepted for study in Japan. Through the US-Japan Bridging Foundation, ATJ was able to award dozens of scholarships last year to students studying abroad in Japan. These scholarships are worth $2,500 for a semester or $4,000 for an academic year.

    Each year BUTEX awards a number of scholarships to students studying abroad in the UK for either a semester or for a whole academic year. The value of each scholarship is £500 and will be paid to the winners once they have arrived and registered at their host university.

    Delta Phi Alpha Study Abroad Scholarship
    The national honor society for German awards scholarships to undergraduate student members wishing to further their German studies with research and study abroad in a German-speaking country.

    Freeman Asia 
    Freeman Awards for Study in Asia (Freeman-ASIA) provides scholarships for U.S. undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need to study abroad in East or Southeast Asia.

    HI USA Explore the World Travel Scholarship
    This is a $2,000 scholarship opportunity for students aged 18-30 traveling abroad for education or volunteer work. Applicants must be able to demonstrate financial need.

    IES Abroad Scholarships
    CUA students applying for IES Abroad programs on the CUA affiliated list are urged to apply for IES Abroad's many scholarship opportunities. Students must make note of the Scholarship deadline and submit scholarship applications directly to IES Abroad.

    The new IES Abroad Early Aid Program will provide qualified students with a need-based financial aid offer even before they are accepted to a study abroad program. Applicants will receive an award decision within 5 business days of submitting a Need-Based Aid application, regardless of where they are in the admission process.

    International Student Insurance
    Anyone studying abroad, or who wants to study abroad, is welcome to submit an entry and take home up to $4,000. To enter, students would need to submit their 5 minute video saying why they want to study abroad, or if they are already studying abroad, a trip they want to take. The rules and details can be found on the official contest page. The winner will be announced during International Education Week.

    ItaliaRail Study Abroad Scholarship
    ItaliaRail is committed to helping students study abroad in Italy-and immerse themselves in the country's rich and dynamic culture-and is proud to offer the ItaliaRail Study Abroad Scholarship. Each semester, they award two scholarships of $1,000 each to students studying abroad in Italy, plus a free 3-day Italy rail pass for each recipient.

    Kosciuszko Foundation Study Abroad in Poland Scholarship
    Financial support from the Polish Ministry of Education and Sport and the Kosciuszko Foundation for US students to study and live in Poland for a semester or year. Includes tuition waiver and stipend for living costs for study of Polish language, history, and literature at Jagiellonian University in Krakow.

    RISE (Research Internships in Science and Engineering)
    The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is pleased to offer RISE Internships and RISE professional programs. Scholarships are awarded to American and Canadian undergraduates (RISE) and graduate students (RISE professional) in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences (geology), and engineering.

    Sogang Global Scholarship
    Catholic U. students who are accepted to attend the Sogang University Exchange Program in Seoul, South Korea are eligible to apply for this scholarship. The money awarded goes towards the on-campus dormitory fee. The form to apply is housed within the Sogang application, which students can begin by visiting the CUAbroad program page.

    Scholarship Portal
    This website provides a comprehensive free search database system for scholarships available throughout Europe; you can search by region, country and discipline. There are also many great resources available for those interested in finding undergraduate and graduate educational programs in Europe.

    Tanaka and Green Academic Scholarship
    The Tanaka and Green Academic Scholarship was established to support short-term academic study (one semester or one academic year) at colleges and universities in Japan. JASWDC intends to award scholarships of up to $4,000 (one semester) or $5,000 (one academic year). The scholarship may be used for any combination of tuition and other academic fees, room and board, travel and transportation (including internal Japan travel), and other approved expenses.

    Theresa Khuri Scholarship
    This scholarship may be sought after by students applying to the International Security and Intelligence Summer Program. The Theresa Khuri Scholarships lend significant further support to CSi's aim of ensuring that the International Security and Intelligence Programme is open to highly talented students, whatever their backgrounds. The scholarship would cover the costs of the CUAbroad Program Fee.

  • Graduate Scholarships for Studying Abroad

    American Academy in Rome Pre- and Post-Doctoral Fellowships
    Rome Prize fellowships are designed for emerging artists and for scholars in the early or middle stages of their careers. In the case of scholars, preference will be given to applicants for whom research time in Italy, and especially in the city of Rome, is essential, and who have not had extensive prior experience there. The Academy also offers a variety of opportunities for advanced scholars and artists. Each Rome Prize winner is provided with a stipend, meals, a bedroom with private bath, and a study or studio.

    American Institute of Bangladesh Studies Fellowships
    The AIBS supports three types of Fellowship: Senior, Junior, and Pre-Dissertation. All are intended for research in Bangladesh for a minimum of four months and a maximum of ten to twelve months.

    Boren Fellowships
    Funding from the National Security Education Program (NSEP) supports U.S. undergraduate and graduate students to study less commonly taught languages in world regions critical to U.S. interests. Up to $20,000 for undergraduates and $30,000 for graduate students, depending on cost and length of program. Your on-campus representative for the Boren Scholarship and Fellowship is Amy Luskin, in the University Honors Program.

    Following review and interviews by the campus Boren Scholarship Committee, applicants will be notified of their acceptance/endorsement by Catholic University by mid-January.

    The Council of American Overseas Research Centers Multi-Country Research Fellowship Program for Advanced Multi-Country Research
    CAORC is pleased to announce the expansion of the Multi-Country Research Fellowship Program. U.S. citizens enrolled in a master's degree granting program are eligible to apply. The program supports advanced regional or trans-regional research in the humanities, social sciences, or allied natural sciences for U.S. master's students, doctoral candidates, and scholars who have already earned their Ph.D.

    Critical Language Scholarship Program for Intensive Summer Language Institutes
    Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) institutes provide fully-funded group-based intensive language instruction and structured cultural enrichment experiences for seven to ten weeks for U.S. citizen undergraduate, Master's and Ph.D. students.

    Council for European Studies Fellowships
    Founded in 1970, the Council for European Studies (CES) - at Columbia University - is the leading academic organization for the study of Europe. The Council promotes and recognizes outstanding, multidisciplinary research in European Studies through a range of programs, including conferences, publications, and awards. To learn more, visit their web site. CES sponsors a variety of fellowships for graduate and undergraduate students. Catholic University holds a membership in this organization and students are eligible to apply for grants and fellowships.

    EIFFEL Scholarship: A Passport to Excellence
    Launched by the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and managed by CampusFrance, the prestigious scholarship is reserved for elite overseas students on masters, engineering and PhD courses. Highly competitive, the scholarship requires EDHEC to select the strongest applicants-those with a GMAT score of more than 700 and an excellent GPA.

    The Fulbright Program
    The Fulbright U.S. Student Program equips future American leaders with the skills they need to thrive in an increasingly global environment by providing funding for one academic year of study or research abroad, to be conducted after graduation from an accredited university. Included in the Fulbright Program are English Teaching Assistantships in select countries such as Asia, Eastern and Western Europe, and Latin America. Your CUA Fulbright representative is Dr. Peter Schoemaker and students must contact him if they wish to apply for the scholarship.

    Go! Study Abroad Scholarship
    This $1,000 scholarship is open to both graduate and undergraduate students. It can be applied to any education abroad program, any semester, anywhere in the world. Applicants are asked to demonstrate their creativity and analytical thinking through the submission of a writing sample and video clip.

    Grants for Study and Research
    The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) sponsors this annual publication. It contains all of the grants that DAAD offers to U.S. and Canadian students and scholars.

    Henry Luce Foundation: Luce Scholars Program
    The Luce Scholars Program is a nationally competitive fellowship program. It was launched by the Henry Luce Foundation in 1974 to enhance the understanding of Asia among potential leaders in American society. The program provides stipends, language training, and individualized professional placement in Asia for 15-18 Luce Scholars each year, and welcomes applications from college seniors, graduate students, and young professionals in a variety of fields who have had limited exposure to Asia.

    The Language Flagship Fellowships
    The Language Flagship, an NSEP initiative, is designed to help individuals achieve superior-level proficiency in certain critical languages. This is an award up to two years for post-BA students to support their intensive language study at Flagship institutions in the U.S. and overseas.

    My Travel Bug Fellowship
    In order to help financially needy Americans travel abroad, My Travel Bug, Inc. awards a number of Fellowships each year. Prospective Fellows submit an application and are judged on educational merit, originality and writing quality. Winning Fellows are awarded money for self-designed trips overseas of 1, 2 or 3 months. Winning Fellows are required to write travelogues and take photographs of their travels, to be published online.

    RISE (Research Internships in Science and Engineering)
    The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is pleased to offer RISE Internships and RISE professional programs. Scholarships are awarded to American and Canadian undergraduates (RISE) and graduate students (RISE professional) in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences (geology), and engineering.

    Schwarzman Scholars Program
    Two hundred scholars are chosen annually for this highly selective program. They will work towards a one-year Master's Degree at Tsinghua University in Beijing-one of China's most prestigious universities. Each student will spend the year focusing on one of four English-taught academic disciplines: public policy, economics and business, international relations and, in the future, engineering. Schwarzman Scholars are selected based on their academic credentials, extracurricular interests and leadership potential.

    Title VIII Research Scholar Program
    Funded by the U.S. Department of State's Program for Research and Training on Eastern Europe and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (Title VIII), the American Councils. The Southeast Europe Language Training Program component provides language training in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, and Serbia.

    Whitaker International Fellows and Scholars Program
    The Whitaker Program supports biomedical engineers, from graduating seniors through post-doctorates, in conducting high-quality research or study overseas.

    The Belgian American Educational Foundation (BAEF) Fellowships The Belgian American Educational Foundation (BAEF) encourages applications for fellowships for advanced study or research during the academic year 2012-2013, at a Belgian University or institution of higher learning. The BAEF will award up to eight fellowships each carrying a stipend of $25,000 for one year. The fellowship period must be at least 6 months. In addition to the stipend, the Foundation will provide health insurance. Preference is given to applicants under the age of 30 with some knowledge of Dutch, French, or German.

    Institute of International Educaton Scholarship Database
    With hundreds of scholarship and grant listings, IIE's online directory Study Abroad Funding is among the most comprehensive directories for U.S. students to find funding for studying abroad. The website features detailed descriptions of study abroad scholarships, fellowships, grants, and paid internships for U.S. undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students. These are searchable by name, field of study, continent, and country. All listings are free of charge and provide an excellent opportunity to publicize your institution's programs.

    Chinese Government Scholarship
    Through the Chinese Scholarship Council, the Chinese Government awards full and partial scholarships to international students who are studying at Chinese Universities. Students awarded full scholarships could have tuition, fees, and living expenses covered during their time studying in China.

    Chateaubriand Fellowship
    Hateaubriand Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS) is a fellowship program offered by the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the US. It targets outstanding Ph.D. students from American universities who seek to engage in research in France, in any discipline of the Humanities and Social Sciences. HSS Chateaubriand fellows are selected through a merit-based competition, through a binational collaborative process involving expert evaluators from both countries.

    The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals
    CBYX is a fellowship funded by the German Bundestag and U.S. Congress, that annually provides 75 American and 75 German Young Professionals the opportunity to spend one year in each others' countries, studying, interning, and living with hosts on a cultural immersion program. The CBYX program is sponsored in the U.S. by the Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs

    Kosciuszko Foundation Year Abroad in Poland Scholarship
    Financial support from the Polish Ministry of Education and Sport and the Kosciuszko Foundation for US students to study and live in Poland for a semester or year. Includes tuition waiver and stipend for living costs for study of Polish language, history, and literature at Jagiellonian University in Krakow.

Disclaimer: CUAbroad compiled the above list. It should not, however, be construed as any kind of endorsement or support of any particular organization, individual, views expressed, or products or services offered by these outside sites. CUAbroad does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of this outside information and is not in any manner responsible for the content in any of these websites or sources of information.